Explore the projects we have completed and review our experience in creating, implementing, maintaining, and developing web and mobile applications, as well as websites.

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We are expanding and maintaining the www.monitoringptakow.gios.gov.pl system in two language versions. Currently, we are working on creating a new, refreshed version of the portal. The system is used for monitoring birds in Poland and abroad. It collects data on specific species, aggregates it, and enables its analysis. Technologies used: Java, Spring, Hibernate, JSP,  JavaScript, Angular.

Bird monitoring

Ecologyweb developmentgraphic designmaintenancedevelopmentJavaSpringHibernateJSP JavaScriptAngular

The website www.obywatelskihit.pl was created (and is currently being developed and maintained by us) for Stowarzyszenie 61 as a response to the introduction of a new subject, History and the Present, which replaced social studies (basic level) in high schools, technical schools, and vocational schools. On the Obywatelski HiT platform, you will find a comprehensive database of educational materials. This includes over 600 resources such as films, lesson plans, exercise proposals, source texts, dictionary entries, and more. Technologies used: WordPress.

Obywatelski HiT

Socialeducationwebsitegraphic designcreationmaintnancedevelopmentWordPress

We developed the Mam Prawo Wiedzieć platform for Stowarzyszenie 61, an open system where you can easily access information about individuals holding elected public offices. During elections in Poland, the platform allows users to complete a detailed survey that helps identify which politicians align with their views (or not) and supports informed decision-making on whom to vote for. Technologies used: PHP, Laravel, PostgreSQL.

Mam Prawo Wiedzieć

Socialweb developmentcreationmaintenancedevelopmentPHPLaravelPostgreSQL

We developed the System of Methodological Instruments to store a knowledge base of available methodological instruments, featuring extensive search and filtering capabilities, and accessible to the public. The platform is available at www.sim.zhp.pl. Technologies used: Java, Hibernate, Spring, Postgres, Vue, Docker.

The Polish Scouting and Guiding Association

Socialweb developmentgraphic designcreationJavaHibernateSpringPostgresVueDocker

We maintain and develop the Electronic Permit Control (EKZ) System for the General Inspectorate of Road Transport. EKZ is software that supports the International Transport Office in monitoring the use of permits issued by the minister responsible for transport, and is aimed at regulatory agencies. Technologies used: Java, SQL Server Express.

Electronic Permit Control

Public sectorTransport web developmentmaintenancedevelopmentJavaSQL Server Express

We created the portal www.soswspolnaszkola.pl for the Foundation for Dialogue, in response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war, over 200,000 Ukrainian children have joined Polish schools and kindergartens, while around half a million young refugees have been learning remotely, presenting a significant organizational challenge. Wspólna Szkoła aims to facilitate actions and information flow, creating a network of institutions involved in the education and psychosocial support of Ukrainian and Polish children. Technologies used: WordPress.

SOS Wspólna Szkoła

SocialEducationwebsitegraphic designcreationmaintenancededvelopmentWordPress

We designed, developed, and implemented an internal room management system for the Medical Simulation Center at UMB. This system allows users to view the schedule for any room within a selected time frame on the website, as well as reserve time slots and rooms for classes and other events at the university, complete with a reporting module. Technologies used: Java, Spring, PostgreSQL, Vue.js.

Room management system

Educationweb developmentcreationdevelopment

We conducted a pre-implementation analysis, developed, and delivered an application called the Sports Activity Search Engine. The portal is available at www.aktywujsiewgdansku.pl. Technologies used: Java, Spring, PostgreSQL, Vue.js.

Sports activity search engine

SocialSportweb developmentgraphic designcreationJavaSpringPostgreSQLVue.js

We expanded the functionality of the Open Archiving System (OSA) by adding new features, including adapting the OSA editor panel to send files to a transcription and OCR service via API and receive files with text layers. Additionally, we conducted a UX analysis. Technologies used: Java 8, Spring Boot 2, Hibernate,i Git, Jenkins, Maven, Flyway, JUnit, Lombok, Testcontainers, Postgresql 10, Elasticsearch 5.6.16, REST API, JavaScript, Ember.js, React.js.

Open Archiving System

Public sectorweb developmentdevelopmentUXOCRJava 8Spring Boot 2HibernatePostgreSQL 10Elasticsearch

We created and maintain the website www.zbiorkazywnosci.pl, which operates during the Easter and Christmas periods to collect food for those in need. Technologies used: WordPress.

Food Gathering

SocialNGOwebsitegraphic designcreationWordPress

We developed the RAMPA information system as a web application for the Federation of Polish Food Banks, functioning as a mini food donation marketplace. The system supports our Client’s employees in organizing food collections throughout Poland. We are currently maintaining and enhancing RAMPA. Technologies used: Java, Spring, PostgreSQL, Vue.js.


Socialweb developmentgraphic designcreationmaintenancedevelopmentJavaSpringPostgreSQLVue.js

We are the developers of software integrating the financial and accounting department with the Stud Book Department and the Breeding and Racing Department at the Polish Horse Racing Club. This tool facilitates data exchange among the various subsystems that make up the “HOMAS” system and supports electronic payments within the Polish Horse Racing Club. Technologies used: Java, JavaEE, Spring, Hibernate, JSF, PrimeFaces, Vue.


Public sectorweb developmentpaymentcreationmaintenancedevelopmentJavaJavaEESpringHibernateJSFPrimeFacesVue

Search engine to look up the cases of financial help given to private companies

Office of Competition and Consumer Protection collects data about all cases of help given to any beneficiary. Gathered data should be publicly available to all citizens with an easily accessible interface. For the purpose of the task above, Vavatech created a tailored-made system SUDOP. The software was created after winning the public tender. The main part of the system is a complex, multi-criteria search tool. The biggest challenge in the project was the amount of data – system works efficiently with the database containing more than 15 000 000 of records, with a constant growth of 2 000 new records every day. This software runs steadily to this day. Technologies used: Java 8, JSF, MySQL, Hibrenate, Wildfly, Spring, PrimeFaces.


Public sectorSocialBig Dataweb developmentcreationmaintenancedevelopmentJava 8JSFMySQLHibrenateWildflySpringPrimeFaces

Telemaco is not only an IT system dedicated for logistic and shipping companies, but also for those who need to transport a cargo on specified route. Service is aimed at users in whole Europe and works in 13 languages. Used technologies: Java, JavaEE, WildFly, PostgreSQL


TransportTransport exchangeweb developmentcreationJavaJavaEEWildFlyPostgreSQL

Providing technical assistance services for the ‘Ławnicy’ IT system supporting the election of lay judges to district and district courts in 2023. Technologies used: Java.


Public sectorLawweb developmentmaintenancedevelopmentJava

For Polityka Publishing House, we developed mobile applications for both Android and iOS, which have received high ratings on Google Play i App Store. We encourage you to download them! https://www.polityka.pl/aplikacja

Polityka mobile

Publishingmobile apppaymentssubscriptionnewsletterdevelopmentmaintenanceAndroidiOS

We have developed a mobile application for Android on behalf of the Central Museum of Prisoners of War, focusing on the preparation and launch of a virtual tour for self-guided exploration of the National Memorial Site in Łambinowice. The application is available on Google Play.

Museum mobile virtual tour

CultureTravelmobile developmentcreationAndroidvirtual tour

Telemaco is not only an IT system dedicated for logistic and shipping companies, but also for those who need to transport a cargo on specified route. Service is aimed at users in whole Europe and works in 13 languages. Used technologies: Java, JavaEE, WildFly, PostgreSQL


TransportTransport exchangeweb developmentcreationJavaJavaEEWildFlyPostgreSQL

